Video Production Studio Rentals in Brooklyn

Film director concept of video Production Studio RentalIf you thought all films and television shows were filmed on-site or in Hollywood, think again! Video production studio rentals in Brooklyn provide filmmakers with a beautiful, quiet, and professional environment to help them complete their films, online shows, and other video production pieces.

With the help of a video production studio, in Brooklyn offers, you can finish production on your film using high-quality equipment and a beautiful backdrop.


Benefits of Choosing A Studio Rental for Video Production

Media director filming a video production in a rental studioFor up-and-coming film producers and even higher-budget filmmakers, there are lots of benefits to choosing a studio rental instead of buying your own movie-making equipment. A single movie camera can cost tens of thousands of dollars, in addition to lighting, sound equipment, and other factors such as accidental malfunctions.

On the other hand, costs for using a video production studio range from as little as $55 per hour to around $250 a day for larger sets. By choosing a video production studio in Brooklyn, you can rest assured your movie or film will cost less than it would without purchasing all equipment. You can also experience the benefits below, including:

Full Control Over The Environment

film lighting equipments with different film backgrounds behindFilming movies is not an easy task, and it depends greatly on outside factors such as if an employee is late, if there is availability to film in your city or town, and of course, the weather. Fortunately, a video production studio can minimize complications and mishaps due to inclement weather or due to not obtaining permission to film in a certain area!

A video production studio outfitted with green screens and other props can help you control the environment of your film while still helping it appear to be reality (hence the movie magic).


Professional Lighting Equipment

Lighting equipment in studio rentalWhen filming, lighting is everything. Lighting can enhance the mood, change the direction of a story, and determine whether your film is visible to the audience. By using a video production studio rental, you can have access to professional (and expensive) lighting equipment at a fraction of the cost of purchasing lighting equipment.

This can help you use the very best lighting to make your film come to life.

Comfort And Tranquility

Instead of rushing around your city or town, trying to get permits to film, and battling bystanders during filming, you can film your video with peace of mind by using a video production studio. This quiet environment will help you complete filming in peace and reduce the stress associated with filming movies.

Uncluttered Background

inside of a photo and film rental studio with wood style design and white backgroundIt can be difficult to clear away the background for a film. Even the slightest bit of trash or an unforeseen person in the background can completely ruin the look of a film. This is especially true if your movie or film is set in a different time period.

By using a clean studio, you can maintain the authenticity of your movie and spend less time cleaning up between takes on set. In addition, you can also spend less money on labor costs to clean up traditional film sets, and spend less money on permit costs to film in your city.


Privacy And No Distractions

Film crew working a video production in rental studioIf you’ve ever seen a movie or other film studio working on filming a movie in your city, chances are you stopped to look for at least a second. Unfortunately, bystanders looking onto your set or even heckling your actors can be incredibly distracting and detrimental to a movie.

Not only is this bad for your actors who need to concentrate, but it can also lead to accidents and safety issues should your other staff be too distracted to work. Our video production studio in Brooklyn provides a quiet environment where you can film, plan your budget and other factors for your movie, and can remain distraction-free as you finish production.

Choose The Best Video Production Studio Rental in Brooklyn

At Brooklyn Photo Studios, we make it our mission to help filmmakers get access to the best production equipment, affordable rates for studios, and even makeup studios! Our secure and beautiful building, which was once home to the Golden Pickle Works, is the perfect place to film your next hit. After you choose your video studio here, take advantage of our fully automated booking system. You may also contact us at (212) 655-7595.

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